A Landmark Curriculum



At Landmark we develop the creative thinking skills of our learners and engage with topics to contextualise learning and give the experience greater depth

At Landmark we develop the creative thinking skills of our learners and engage with topics to contextualise learning and give the experience greater depth


In the primary we follow a holistic model of learning using themes to support our students in understanding the connections of their learning to the world around them. Using the framework of the IBPYP, students explore a range of relevant, engaging and universal themes through conceptual lenses. Learning is led through inquiry with a focus on student voice, choice and agency, leading to meaningful action.

Transdisciplinary Learning

In each year of Primary, the students will explore relevant and engaging themes through a transdisciplinary approach to learning. The subject areas are integrated in order to enable authentic and relevant experiences, developing meaningful connections to their learning. Students have the opportunity to build their conceptual understandings, knowledge and skills through the six themes:

  • Who we are

  • How we express ourselves

  • Where we are in place and time

  • How we organise ourselves

  • How the world works

  • Sharing the planet

Disciplinary Learning

Developing an in-depth knowledge in subjects is really important so in addition to the topics we use resources to support the students’ learning. For example in mathematics we use White Rose Maths and In English we use elements of the national curriculum and start our reading and writing journey with Supersonic Phonic Friends.

Overall Curriculum

A more in depth look at the curriculum can be found by clicking the button below which takes you to our Primary Curriculum Website. On this website you will find term outlines and pages for maths, English and the topic.




In the lower secondary (year 7-9) we teach in disciplines and work closely together to make interdisciplinary connections. The syllabus for the the individual subjects is developed by the teachers to best suit the student needs, ensure the curriculum is relevant to events that are occurring in the world around them and prepare them for the next steps in their education. This is done through using resources such as the national curriculum, Cambridge Lower Secondary Curriculum and White Rose Maths to best support our choices in creating a rich curriculum for our students. In addition to the more traditional subjects we enrich learning through two additional classes CREST and projects, in which students are provided with choice around what they learn.

In the upper secondary (year 10 and 11) students work towards CIE IGCSE qualifications. We support our students in finding the best combination of subjects for them and over the first few years of the school IGCSEs have been taken in a wide range of subjects including:

  • Spanish

  • Italian

  • Latin

  • Religious education

  • Physical education

  • Art

  • Photography

  • Music

  • English language

  • English literature

  • Maths

  • Triple and double science

  • Astronomy

  • History

  • Geography

  • French

Overall Curriculum

A more in depth look at the curriculum can be found by clicking the button below which takes you to our Secondary Curriculum Website. On this website you will find term outlines and curriculum pages for each of the subjects that are taught in our secondary section.


GCSE Results and Next Steps

Landmark students study for both CIE IGCSE examinations and GCSE examinations. With the release of today's GCSE results we now have a full picture of their achievements. Overall, 78% of the 2023 results were 9-4 grades and 37% were 9-7 grades. With grading returning to pre-pandemic levels, both of these percentages are well above the 2023 national averages of 70% for 9-4 and 22% for 9-7. As a non selective school, who admits students throughout secondary school, this is an excellent achievement. Out of our twelve graduating students would like to recognise the six students who have been with us for at least four years of their secondary education, who all achieved at least seven 9-4 grades including Mathematics and English, with three of those students achieving seven or more 9-7 grades. We also had some notable results from those students who joined the school later in their secondary education, including a student from Ukraine and others who left previous schools for various reasons. Our graduating students go to a range of sixth forms including Hills Road, The Leys, Long Road and Cambridge Regional College. By providing such a range of opportunities for our students we ensure that they reach their potential and we develop the whole learner to best support them for their next steps after Landmark.


To learn learn more about Curriculum and Assessment at Landmark you can view our Curriculum and Assessment Policy on the button below.