Eagle Twitter Takeover! - Book Reviews of 'The Rain Player' by David Wisniewski

Eagle Twitter Takeover! - Book Reviews of 'The Rain Player' by David Wisniewski

Eagle class has been reading the book 'The Rain Player' by David Wisniewski. The book fitted in perfectly with the class' topic of 'Mavellous Mayans'. In English, they were challenged to write a book review for twitter - meaning the entire review had to be 280 characters or less! Have a look at their tweets below to see how they got on.

Landmark students take over twitter feed for book reviews

Landmark students take over twitter feed for book reviews

Landmark students take over twitter feed for book reviews

Here's what some of the members of Eagle class thought about the lesson:


I really enjoyed it because it was really fun! It was hard trying to get my review under 280 characters but I'm proud I did it in the end!


It was a nice challenge to get it to 280 letters or less. It made me have to edit and trim it as much as I could to make it fit in the margin. 


It was fun doing our work on Twitter because instead of just the teacher seeing our work, our parents and followers of the page could read our work too. 

Mrs Bordoli-Marsh - Eagle class teacher

This was a fantastic lesson to get the students thinking about their digital literacy skills. In terms of English, it encouraged them to critically think about vocabulary choice and the power of clever editing!

Landmark Gazette - A student written publication

Landmark Gazette - A student written publication

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IB Learner Profile Blog Series: Risk-taker