Landmark Kingfisher explore the topic of amazing animals
Our topic this term is Amazing Animals. We have particularly enjoyed learning about animals around the world and how they have adapted to living in their different habitats. Learning the different continents has been a challenge but we’ve been singing a song to help us remember the tricky names! We’ve used a giant map, a globe and atlases to help us understand different parts of our world and the animals that live in them.
Kingfisher students develop map skills using an atlas
This afternoon, the children enjoyed looking at non-fiction books and reading all about different animals around the world. They shared books really well and helped each other to find out interesting facts. They will be choosing their favourite animal to write a fact file about and will present it in their virtual end of term assembly for the parents.
This all links in well with our class text ‘Yeti and the Bird’ in which a little bird gets lost on her way to warmer shores and ends up in the mountains by accident. She makes friends with a Yeti but has to leave when the snow comes. The children have been writing character descriptions, letters and comparative sentences as well as making maps for the bird and thinking about friendships.
Kingfisher students engage with books about amazing animals and where they are from.