Remembrance Day: Student Blog

November 11th, 2020, marked Remembrance Day in the UK, however, this year was slightly different due to COVIUD-19 and for year 8, we marked it by sharing an online service together. 

Our service started with a two minute silence to remember, not only our ancestors who fought in World War I and II but also, those who fought, past and present, and died fighting for their country and family. 

Mrs Gibbs then played some music that would have been around in the time of World War I and then I was chosen to recite an extract from Laurence Binyon’s ‘For The Fallen’ which talked about remembering these soldier heroes who won’t grow old. 

“They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:

Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.

At the going down of the sun and in the morning

We will remember them.”

I contributed in my own way by sharing ‘1916’ by a British heavy metal band called Motorhead. This ballad stands out for me because of its reflection on the hardships that soldiers go through. It was written in 1991 by their frontman Lemmy Killminister.

Caution: If you want to hear 1916 by Motorhead here is a link to the song, please note that the lyrics and imagery are associated with the realities of the war and are at times graphic.

By Veer in year 8


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