Reflecting on our mathematics: A student journal led approach

We started writing Maths journals to support reflective writing into our maths and to explain the students thinking about specific concepts covered. It provided the students the opportunity to identify an element of the unit they are studying, a concept that they know well, and articulate their understanding of it. The Maths journal helps both the teacher and student evaluate their learning through their explanation of what they learned.

The writing process enables the students to reflect on their learning; having internalised the concept they then create a journal with a proof, a word problem. For me, as a teacher, this is an extremely important step as it enables both the child, and myself, to understand - explain -the process that the student goes through to reach the answer.

Greg Townsend, Toucan Class Teacher

Below we share two student examples of the reflective work and how the written process has evolved to include video entries.

Written Example

Screenshot 2021-04-27 10.39.36.png

Video Example


Bikeability: Two student diaries of their experiences


Spring Term Newsletter 2020/2021