Dear Landmark Community

The spring holiday season is almost here. We hope you are looking forward to some joyful and relaxing times with family and friends. Here at Landmark we have enjoyed another busy and successful term, starting with the publication of the report from our successful Material Change Inspection and the confirmation from the DfE that we can increase our capacity to 125 students. Over the term we have had a range of trips, events and visitors. Here is a summary of the learning and opportunities that have taken place.

Getting out and about

The students have enjoyed some wonderful trips this term, here is a recap of a few of the highlights.  

In Primary Robin Class visited the local recycling centre as part of their learning about materials, recycling and what happens to our rubbish.  They saw how rubbish is sorted using special machinery and learned about landfill and its impact on our planet. They definitely came away with a deeper understanding of the importance of recycling and a strong sense of responsibility towards making sure they contribute to this. Toucan Class visited the Stain Glass Museum to support their Inquiry into Religion and Art. They looked at different stain glass of Christian and Judaism as well as images of Islamic stain glass. The children reflected on the differences they noticed between the different religions and the expression of art. Eagle Class visited the Whipple Museum and enjoyed a taught session on the History of Musical Sound; this was part of the class’ Music and Mood enquiry and was a very interesting and engaging experience for the students and staff.

Our upper secondary students had a memorable learning experience watching A Midsummer Nights Dream at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre in Stratford-upon-Avon

In Secondary the Years 7 and 8 visited beautiful Ely Cathedral as part of their religious studies syllabus and enjoyed the opportunity to learn about a range of religions and the places of worship used. The Years 9, 10 and 11 students in our Secondary Department were fortunate enough to visit the Royal Shakespeare Theatre in Stratford Upon Avon to see a production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream, featuring well known Actor Mathew Baynton as Bottom. This was a wonderful experience and will undoubtedly help the students (and staff) appreciate the delights of live theatre.  

Connecting with the wider community

One of the aims of our current development plan is to establish extra-curricular links with other schools and organisations in the Cambridge area. This term we have been involved in a number of activities with other schools and organisations and the government.

Our primary department has been involved in netball fixtures with Fulbourn primary school and are looking forward to upcoming football matches after the break. Our Key Stage One students attended a sports festival and our younger Key Stage Two students attended a dodgeball tournament both at Marleigh Primary School.

Students enjoyed a wonderful day of inclusive sport at the Power House Games

In the secondary school our year 8 students and a few of our year 9 students thoroughly enjoyed and took part in the Power House Games with a number of other schools at the University of Cambridge sports hall. We hope to provide this wonderful opportunity to more groups of students in the future, Our year 8 group had the opportunity to attend maths and science workshops at the University of Cambridge during the Cambridge Festival schools day. This was a great opportunity to be at an event with other schools and engaging with the equipment used at the University laboratories. 

Secondary students had the experience of doing experiments in the University of Cambridge laboratories during the Cambridge festival.

A group of our year 8 and 9 students took part, with a range of other schools, at Abbey Colleges’ Student led Conference on Equality, Diversity, Inclusivity and Social Justice. The students listened to a range of speakers including paralympic gold medalist Louis Rolfe and then the students worked in groups to develop DEI charters. This was a valuable experience for all involved.

We were incredibly fortunate to have two visitors come to talk to the class about their roles in  government. We had Baroness Ruth Hunt from the House of Lords, and South-East Cambridgeshire's MP, Lucy Frazer visit the classroom. Both visitors answered a range of questions from our students in Eagle class, which complemented the unit of inquiry 'Champions for Change' which was within the transdisciplinary theme of 'How we Organise Ourselves' and focusing on the central idea "Governments' decisions play a role in how citizens experience life". Our year 10 and 11 students also had the opportunity to ask Lucy Frazer questions about her life in parliament.

Our students have had the opportunity to ask questions to both Lucy Frazer MP and Baroness Ruth Hunt about their role in the House of Commons and the House of Lords.

Events in our Community

At the start of this term we started catering for all students at the school, providing a three course lunch within the school fee. With the development of Landmark’s catering facilities we are now adding opportunities for students to celebrate different days and to have lunch with their parents. On Friday February 9th the students enjoyed a special lunch to celebrate the Lunar New Year. They enjoyed a range of Asian delicacies which were beautifully prepared by Gemma and Jack. This event was followed on Monday, March 25th with Primary parents joining their children for lunch in school; this was a very well attended event and the feedback was excellent. Thank you to Gemma and Jack for your hard work on delivering such a varied and delicious lunch menu this term.

Our catering department have been treating us to a great array of culinary delights and the students really enjoyed the celebratory lunch for Lunar New Year.

The school enjoyed a wonderful World Book day.  This year we focused on a Roald Dahl theme and the school was transported into a magical world of Willy Wonka, the BFG, Fantastic Mr Fox and Matilda, to name just a few! The array of costumes were amazing and energy levels were kept at a high level by the delicious spread of cakes and cookies on offer. The school, thanks to the creative talent of Connie Jagolinzer and her helpers, was transformed into a world of Dahl and his assortment of characters!

World Book Day was a fabulous celebration of reading with some great costumes on show.

We were delighted to welcome our parents to attend our informal music concert. Students from both primary and secondary performed beautifully and enjoyed the occasion; as always we are grateful to Emma Rapley and all those who supported her for their hard work in organising the event, which was very well attended.

At the end of term the Primary Department came together to perform their production of Peter Pan at the Townley Hall in Fulbourn. The performance was absolutely amazing and was testament to the hard work (and many rehearsals!) put in by the students and staff.  Parents and their guests were full of praise for the show and the delicious refreshments provided by the PTA.

Primary students treated us to an exceptional performance of Peter Pan


We said goodbye to Leon in Kingfisher Class in February and wished him luck in his new school in Germany. In March we also said goodbye to Haruko, from Year 9, who returned to Japan after spending a year with us whilst her parents attended a sabbatical year in Cambridge.  

After the year 11 students leave in April we will also say goodbye to Russell Lord and Grace Curtis.  Russell has taught Latin in the Secondary Department since the school opened in September 2016 and has led our students to many victories and successes in language competitions and productions of Latin plays in the Cambridge area and further afield. Russell has gradually reduced his teaching hours over the last few years and will now focus on other areas of his career. Grace Curtis was also one of the group of teachers who were with Landmark from when it opened in 2016 and Grace has been instrumental in developing the comprehensive Student Wellbeing and Mental Health Policies and the engaging PSHEE programme which is delivered to students throughout the school.  Grace is moving on to work with safeguarding in the charity sector but we very much hope she will visit us regularly and update us on her new adventures! Gareth will take on the teaching of the PSHEE curriculum usually delivered by Grace until a Student Counsellor and Wellbeing Leader joins us in September. Both Grace and Russell will be hugely missed by the students and staff.

You may also have heard that in July Mary Greer will sadly be leaving her role at Landmark to develop her role as a Civil Celebrant for weddings and funerals. Mary was one of the founders of Landmark School and spent a year in the school building before Landmark opened, focusing on meeting prospective parents, preparing for the pre-opening Ofsted Inspection, interviewing teachers and support staff and working with volunteers to decorate and furnish the classrooms, tidy the grounds and, with the other founders, prepare for the school’s opening in September 2016. Ever since the school opened Mary’s dedication and love for the school has enabled student numbers to grow, families to be supported and the school to flourish. We will have opportunities to celebrate Mary and wish her the best for her new role over the coming term.

I hope you all have a very restful, enjoyable and peaceful break with your family and friends. We look forward to welcoming you back for our summer term on Monday, April 15th.  

With warmest regards

Gareth and the team


Peter Pan - Our magical primary school production!


A Journey to Fluency! - Putting your relocation worries at ease.