Fantastic results for Landmark in the UKMT Intermediate Mathematical Challenge
Every year Landmark participates in the United Kingdom Mathematics Trust (UKMT) competitions. Students from Landmark compete in the competition alongside students from across the United Kingdom. We have recently received the results for the Intermediate Mathematical Challenge (Year 11 and below).

Children's Mental Health Week: A Week of Awareness, Activities, and Fundraising
Landmark International School came together for a meaningful and engaging celebration of Children’s Mental Health Week. Over the course of seven days, students and staff participated in a range of activities designed to raise awareness about mental health and well-being while fundraising for two fantastic charities—Mind Over Cancer and Fulbourn Action 4 Youth.

Landmark recognised for its commitment to helping students stay safe online
Landmark is now a National Online Safety Certified School.

Autumn Term Newsletter 2024/2025
The holiday season is here. We hope you’re having and looking forward to some relaxing and enjoyable times with family and friends. It has been another vibrant and successful term full of trips, events and celebrations.

Researching and Celebrating the Day of the Dead in Spanish Class
Our year 7 Spanish class has been inquiring into the Day of the Dead festival.

History Day 2024 - A Medieval Experience!
We held a whole school History Day, read all about what we learnt here!

A Wicked Key Stage 4 Team Building Trip to London!
Every year during the month of September we run a team building day with our Key Stage 4. This year we headed to London for some team building in Green Park and the opportunity to see the West End show Wicked!

Primary and Secondary Curriculum Evenings
Here is a blog sharing the presentations from the Primary and Secondary Curriculum Evenings

Congratulations to the Landmark Class of 2024 on their GCSE, IGCSE, ASDAN and FSMQ Results
We would like to congratulate the fourteen students of our 2024 graduating class on their GCSE, IGCSE, ASDAN and FSMQ results.

Summer Term Newsletter 2023/2024
The summer holidays have arrived. We hope you’re having and looking forward to some relaxing and enjoyable times with family and friends. It has been another vibrant and successful term.

Nrich Primary Maths Fair
We held our second Nrich Fair during activities week. Students in the primary department delved into exciting mathematical enrichment activities throughout the morning and were supported by a group of students from Years 7, 8 and 9. Everyone had so much fun completing each of their age-related tasks. Read on to hear about the enjoyment the pupils had.

Landmark Annual Careers Day
On Monday 10th June we held our annual Landmark International School Cambridge Careers Day. The talks were all fascinating and informative and certainly gave the students (and staff) plenty to think about!

UKMT Mathematics Competition Success
Every year Landmark participates in the United Kingdom Mathematics Trust (UKMT) competitions. Students from Landmark compete in the competition alongside students from across the United Kingdom.

International Day 2024
Last Friday saw Landmark transformed once again into a global departure hall of excitement. Our second annual International Day

Spring Term Newsletter 2023/2024
Spring break has arrived. We hope you’re having and looking forward to some relaxing and enjoyable times with family and friends. It has been another vibrant and successful term.

A Journey to Fluency! - Putting your relocation worries at ease.
Relocating and moving countries can be a stressful process. This is particularly challenging when considering the needs of a whole family. In this blog we have chatted with some of our families (and a couple of students) about how they and their children thrived when moving to Landmark from overseas.

STEM Sustainable School Challenge
Year 9 STEM students spent the last half-term working on a task to re-design Landmark International School to make the environment we share more environmentally friendly and sustainable for all.

Hablar en videollamada con tu "penpal" español
This blog is a student account in Spanish of a recent video call with a school in Madrid. This is part of our Spanish Pen-pal project

ASDAN Enterprise Challenge- Setting up and Running a Business
This blog shares the student experiences of setting up a business.

The STEM Cereal Bar Challenge
Hear what year 9 students at Landmark have been getting up to in the STEM lessons.