The Powerhouse Games - Eagle Class Perspective

Last week, Eagle class participated in 'The Powerhouse Games'. Read on to find out more about their experiences. 

An introduction in to The Powerhouse Games

Eddie - Powerhouse Games are a multi-team event to try and be inclusive for everybody. They are to try and make sure people are aware of people's disabilities and  that nobody is left on the bench or that nobody says you can not play because you are disabled.  

Clara - The founder of the power house games is a man called John Willis who was born with no arms and no legs. He has a phrase which is called, ‘No one left on the bench.’ because he has said that when he was younger he was left on the bench because everyone thought that he could not play at the playground or that he couldn't play any sports. 

Some of the games we played:

New age kurling

Kosuke - In this game, we played at the gym. The rules are similar to normal curling. In this game, my opponent was the red team (my team was lime green). In this game, the Lime green team won. I like this sport because it’s a little bit difficult but it’s quite fun.


Kanako - In Boccia, the player must sit on the chair, and you need to throw the ball you are holding at the white ball to get closer to white ball.

Goal ball 

Bobby - In goalball we were blindfolded and placed in front of two benches where there were people behind the benches telling us where to dive so we could stop the ball thrown by the other team.

Ellen - Goalball is a game in which a ball with a bell inside is used. There are two benches flipped on their side, three people sit in front of the benches, and three people stand in the back. The three people in the front have blindfolds and roll the ball across the court to try and hit the other team's benches. The three people in the back guide the blindfolded people.

Our final thoughts…

Lennart - I enjoyed the Powerhouse games. I think I learnt alot about how people with disabilities can do sports. We had so much fun and I hope to go next year!

Ellen - The Power House Games it isn’t just fun; it helps you understand what people with disabilities are going through. You get to try sports that you may or may not have played before and you get an opportunity to meet new people.

Bobby - In conclusion, the powerhouse games are really fun and inclusive and changed the way I see sport. It was a great opportunity to see what sports like for disabled people. I would recommend it to anyone who would like to learn more about sport.


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