The primary department had so much fun taking part in World Maths Day today. Read on to hear about the ways we celebrated!

Global Assembly

Eagle, Toucan and Robin class started off the day with a live assembly with schools from all over the world. The session was run by Mathletics who also organised the competition later on in the day. 

Coco (Year 6) comments, "The day started off when we had an assembly with Eagle class, Robin class and Toucan class. The assembly began when all the classes gathered in the Eagle class room. We then took part in an online webinar where we learnt about World Maths Day and a little about mathletics". 

Razi (Year 5) loved the international aspect of the live assembly, "Today we had an assembly in the morning and it felt amazing to have a global webinar".

Marta (Year 5) talked about the mixture of feelings she had during the assembly, "We were on a zoom with three people who explained what World Maths Day is and how to take part in the competition. I found this very interesting and I felt a bit nervous as I was going to take part in a competition across the world!"

Maths Challenge Treasure Hunt

Mrs Fritz organised a special outdoor maths challenge for Robin and Kingfisher class. Despite the snow and cold weather, the students got stuck into their activities and demonstrated super problem solving skills!

Ottilie (Year 2) had a great time, "We did a maths hunt in the playground. We had notes with little maths challenges that we had to figure out. I had a fantastic time!"

Leila (Year 1) loved solving the problems with her friends, "First of all we got sorted into groups. Then we went outside and then Mrs Fritz showed us where the questions were. We had little cards and there were problems we had to solve. It was great fun working in a group with my friends. I enjoyed solving the problem about money the best!" 

Mathletics Live Competition

The big event of the day - the global maths competition! Each student in Toucan and Eagle had to complete 20 fast-paced rounds of mathletics live. 

Evan (Year 6) explains how the competition worked, "The competition was this: to do 20 rounds of Mathletics Live, for year 6 it was 4 rounds of 1-5 difficulties, and I got second in Eagle Class! Each round was a minute, and you had to get as many questions right as possible. I thought it was quite fun, I have never been so competitive!"

Sam (Year 6), "We are proud to take part in this extraordinary event. We had to do twenty games across levels to claim a place on the leaderboard. We all got to challenge players across the world, like America and France. It was interesting and fascinating to know how many schools are out there. We are very proud of how well we did in the span of a day."

Luca (Year 6), "My favourite part of the day was competing against everybody in the world and the experience in general was really fun. I can not wait for the next World Maths Day!"

We are so proud of how our students participated in the competition. At the time of writing Landmark International School is 5th place in the country and 22nd in the world! Seishiro (Year 6) scored a very impressive 27th on the individual country leaderboard. Amazing work!!

We love Maths at Landmark!

Here are some of the students' thoughts about why World Maths Day is important and why they enjoy maths:

Luca (Year 6), "I think it is important to celebrate because it is important to remind children that maths is anything but boring and very fun! It is also very fun and very enjoyable (in my opinion) and is suitable for all ages."

Lottie (Year 6), "World Maths Day is important to celebrate as it reminds us that maths is important."

Jasmine (Year 6), "It’s important to celebrate World Maths Day, because this is a day where you need to celebrate as much as you can because Maths is one of the most important lessons you can do."

Razi (Year 5), "I think that it is important to celebrate World Math Day because maths has helped us every day of our lives and doing maths also helps your mind work and is very enjoyable."

Eve (Year 6), "I think it’s important because we play with everyone in the world and we get to connect with them.  We are going to need maths skills when we are adults, so it’s good to practice."


Spring Term Newsletter 2022/2023


World Book Day 2023: Hogwarts International School