World Book Day 2023: Hogwarts International School

World Book Day 2023: Hogwarts International School

World book day 2023

World Book Day is over for another year, and what an amazing celebration it was! The students voted for a Harry Potter theme, and Connie and her team worked tirelessly to make decorations and design activities to immerse the school in a Hogwarts world. Lottie in Year 6 wrote:

World Book Day was so impressive this year. From the teachers to the students everyone and everything  was impressive. The theme was Harry Potter and I was astounded! The lessons that day were like nothing I had seen before.

On arriving at the school, the first sight to meet our eyes was a host of candles. Luca from Year 6 wrote:

When I walked in I loved the layout of the grand hall and the candles hanging from the ceiling. Then we went to the grand hall to be sorted into our houses and then go to our activities.

We were also met by ‘Rita Skeeter’ handing out the Daily Prophet. Juliane in Year 5 wrote:

I really enjoyed this year's world book day as the theme was one of my favourite books, Harry Potter. My costume for world book day this year was Rita Skeeter. My favourite part of my costume was probably my Daily Prophet that I made by writing about Landmark International School’s World Book Day. Dottie in Year 5 wrote: It was amazing to see everyone in fantastic costumes from their favourite book. I dressed up as the iron giant using a cardboard box as my main body.

We started with assembly where we learnt that we had raised the impressive sum of £920 for our Readathon. The aim of the charity, Read for Good, is to help children in hospital have access to new books and to storytellers. Bea in Year 5 , who won the prize for most pages read, wrote:

I really liked the readathon because it’s nice to raise money for people in hospital. I read 7,361 pages in total! I am very proud of my achievement!

We moved on to the morning’s activities. Coco in Year 6 wrote:

We then were sorted into our houses and then started four different activities which started with herbology, where we planted an aloe vera plant and decorated our pots. We then had potions, where we had a look at some enticing and exciting scientific experiments. Afterward we had wand making, where we glued a marble onto a chopstick decorated with glue and painted it. Finally, we had quidditch, where we played a game with a broomstick between our legs. A wonderful time was had by all!

Honeydukes was open at break, and, thanks to the generosity of staff and parents, a selection of delicious snacks, cakes and butterbeer was available for sale. Sam in year 6 wrote:

I made butterbeer from caramel drizzle, cream soda,and a homemade whipped cream which was made from whipped cream, butterscotch syrup,and two big spoons of sugar. We sold around ¾ of our butterbeer. Our best customer was Voldemort!

The bake sale raised the fantastic sum of £213 and all proceeds have gone to ensuring our library continues to stock a fabulous range of books to suit our students.

After break the primary students continued the celebrations with a book swap, and the opportunity to design their own fantastic beasts. All in all a wonderful day was had by all, and as staff left in the early evening the sparkling lights from the electric candles highlighted the magical experience of the day.

Pictures of the day

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