Congratulations to the Landmark Class of 2024 on their GCSE, IGCSE, ASDAN and FSMQ Results

We would like to congratulate the fourteen students of our 2024 graduating class on their GCSE, IGCSE, ASDAN and FSMQ results. 

Landmark students study for both IGCSE examinations and GCSE examinations. With the release of today's results we now have a full picture of their achievements. 

Overall, 90% of the results have been 9-4 grades and 44% have been 9-7 grades. Both of these percentages are well above the national averages of 68% for 9-4 and 22% for 9-7. As a non selective school, who admits students throughout secondary school, this is an excellent achievement. Four of our students achieved seven or more 9-7 grades, two of which have been with us since the school was founded eight years ago. Ten of our students achieved seven or more 9-4 grades including English and Maths.

We would also like to give a special mention to four of our year 9 and 10 students who achieved grade 9 in either their French, German, Italian or Spanish IGCSE, each taking their examinations early. Additionally, two of our year 11 students passed the Free Standing Maths Qualification (FSMQ). We offer the FSMQ to students who wish to continue and extend their maths education. The FSMQ is excellent preparation for those going on to study maths at a higher level. This year we had year 11 students completing the ASDAN Level 2 Certificate of Personal Social Effectiveness. This is the first time we have submitted students for the level 2 certificate and we had three students achieve the certificate, which is a qualification comparable in size to a GCSE.

The graduating class of 2024 has shown exceptional resilience and dedication to overcome the challenges that have come their way during their secondary education including lockdowns in both their first and second years.  We hope the students can take time to reflect on and celebrate their wide-ranging achievements with their families and friends.

We are very proud of the whole cohort for their achievements.


Primary and Secondary Curriculum Evenings


Summer Term Newsletter 2023/2024