Primary and Secondary Curriculum Evenings

During the second week of term we had a wonderful opportunity to meet with the parents new to secondary school and all of our primary parents. On Tuesday, September 10th new secondary parents met remotely to hear all about how curriculum and assessment works at Landmark and how we will be building on the IB Primary Years Programme by seeking candidacy for the IB Middle Years Programme in year 7, 8 and 9 of our secondary .

On Thursday, September 12th primary parents came into school so they could meet the teachers and learn all about our current focus on the International Baccalaureate’s Approaches to Learning framework, the development of our academic integrity policy and how parents can engage with their child’s learning on toddle. Just in case you were unable to attend or you want to take another look we have attached the presentations from the evenings below.


A Wicked Key Stage 4 Team Building Trip to London!


Congratulations to the Landmark Class of 2024 on their GCSE, IGCSE, ASDAN and FSMQ Results