First Day Back Blog: Upper Primary Bubble

After weeks of anticipation and missing our routine and our students, today we opened our doors to all of the Primary children. Despite feeling a little nervous after such a long period of online learning and ongoing restrictions in all areas of our lives, the immense relief and happiness seeing all the children back with their friends and teachers is palpable.

We used our Maths skills to play games such as Mathopoly, Battleships and Decimals.

We used our Maths skills to play games such as Mathopoly, Battleships and Decimals.

The main goal shared by teachers and staff at Landmark School today was getting our students safely back to the classrooms, and helping them settle back into the routines with their friends. Many of the activities and lessons today focused on wellbeing and addressing any worries and fears our children may have about the return to school and the lengthy lockdown.  In Eagle Class especially there have been many changes over the past months with new teaching spaces, new teaching staff and new students joining us. 

We took our Science outdoors today to investigate air resistance.

We took our Science outdoors today to investigate air resistance.

The children expressed their mixed feelings about the return to school by sharing their thoughts: “I´m feeling a bit nervous, however seeing friends makes it easier. We couldn´t see each other due to lockdown, only on the screen, It was harder to communicate. Being back to school is nicer. You´re seeing friends again. I hope there won't be as many Covid restrictions soon and we will be able to do things like buddy reading again.” Hannah, Year 6

Turner, (Year 5): “I feel nervous that I might forget something, it's also odd having a whole new area, different schedule and suddenly seeing a lot of people. But I am excited to see my friends. I hope that we stay safe in the classroom and the bubbles and isolation work to avoid having to return to online learning.”

We know that all these uncertainties and change create a challenging environment, and there is a lot of pressure for children to catch up on lost time. However, today we celebrate being together again, supporting each other in the first step towards easing the restrictions and being able to learn in a safe and happy way.

We used a set of StoryWorld cards to let our imaginations fly and we shared oral stories over hot chocolate and cookies!

We used a set of StoryWorld cards to let our imaginations fly and we shared oral stories over hot chocolate and cookies!


Developing our digital skills: Google Workspace Skills


Online World Book Day 2021: A new way of celebrating community and our love of reading.