Landmark Visits Shepreth Wildlife Park to Inquire into Food Chains: Student Voice

Landmark Visits Shepreth Wildlife Park to Inquire into Food Chains: Student Voice

Robin Class had an amazing trip to Shepreth Wildlife Park on the 2nd May. We went to learn about food chains for our unit of inquiry

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Robin Class Inquire Into How the World Works!

Robin Class Inquire Into How the World Works!

This term in Robin Class, the Year 2 and 3 students have been set a series of tasks from none other than Professor Granite, Head of Geology at the University of Cambridge! Here is their blog about the experience.

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Creative thinkers in Toucan class collaborate to design and make books

Creative thinkers in Toucan class collaborate to design and make books

This term in Toucan class we are experimenting with paper making and using handmade paper for books. The Toucan class was asked to bring in fabric to make the cover for the books.

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Landmark International School National Poetry Day Blog 2022
Year 10 Trip to London to Visit the Natural History Museum and Watch Wicked
Curriculum, Citizenship, PSHEE, School Trips, Science, Secondary, Wellbeing, Music Gareth Turnbull-Jones Curriculum, Citizenship, PSHEE, School Trips, Science, Secondary, Wellbeing, Music Gareth Turnbull-Jones

Year 10 Trip to London to Visit the Natural History Museum and Watch Wicked

A student written blog about the Year 10 trip to London to visit the Natural History Museum to support their Biology course and to watch the musical Wicked supporting those doing Music GCSE and tackling a range of themes that the students cover in PSHEE.

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Summer Term Newsletter 2021/2022

Summer Term Newsletter 2021/2022

We have now reached the end of our Summer Term. It has been an eventful and exciting one this blog outlines the many activities and achievements of the term.

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Primary Celebration of Learning
Under the Sea! Inquiry Based Learning with Kingfisher Class

Under the Sea! Inquiry Based Learning with Kingfisher Class

Kingfisher Class have been enjoying our transdisciplinary unit on the theme of ‘How the World Works’. Our central idea is ‘Living things interact with their habitats.’

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Landmark on display: A gallery of our newest displays

Landmark on display: A gallery of our newest displays

During the pandemic we have sadly not been able to have our parents in the building. This has led to a lack of opportunity for parents to see the lovely displays that are up and around the building, because of this we thought we would blog a few of our newest displays. We hope you enjoy them.

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Reflecting on our core: CREST, Project and PSHEE
Secondary, Writing, Wellbeing, Citizenship, Science Gareth Turnbull-Jones Secondary, Writing, Wellbeing, Citizenship, Science Gareth Turnbull-Jones

Reflecting on our core: CREST, Project and PSHEE

As part of our summer reports, we provided the students with the opportunity to include their voice on their reports. We did this through the students writing a reflection on their learning in three of our ungraded subjects: CREST, Project and PSHEE. The three subjects really develop a core of learning at Landmark, giving the students the opportunity to develop their creativity and their approaches to learning. In this blog we have included reflections from two of our year 9 students Alicia and Sara.

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