IGCSE Mathematics, Maths and Computer Science Competition Success for Landmark Students
Through the start of this term our students have been busy with exams and competitions. This blog outlines the success our students have had.
IGCSE Maths Success
Congratulations to our year 11 students who received their IGCSE maths results this week and congratulations to Mrs Hilton-Taylor, Mrs Pulford and Mrs Pearce-Slade for the wonderful work they have done in supporting these students. The students achieved results that either exceeded or met what they were aiming for, and all students achieved a 9-4 (A*-C) grade.
Oxford University Computing Competition
This year we had two students compete in the Oxford University Computing Competition, this is for students who scored in the top 10% in the country in the Bebras competition. Hilm in year 9 got a participation certificate and did very well to be invited to compete. Tom in year 11 got a distinction, to give this some context, in his age range 1772 students competed in the UK, but only 112 got distinctions so he is in the top few percent of the top top 10%! Thank you Mr Baldwin for entering and supporting our students in these competitions.
Celebrating 25 Years of UKMT
This unique mathematics competition was open to students in Years 6, 7 and 8 at the end of January, The multiple choice questions were designed to promote mathematical thinking and a love of problem solving. It was a unique challenge for two reasons, firstly it was specifically created to celebrate twenty-five years of UKMT (United Kingdom Mathematics Trust) and secondly unlike other UKMT competitions no points were lost for incorrect answers so there was everything to be gained by participating. Many students across the three-year groups took part which was fantastic. Each of the students received a certificate of participation. Students who did particularly well in the competition and who were commended for their achievements in the recent assemblies, included the following students:
Ben Year 6
Henry Year 7
Elijah Year 8
Florian Year 8
Bernard Year 8