Landmark Celebrates Maths Week England
Last week, students were given a range of puzzles to solve, enrichment problems to explore and some creative mathematical tasks to complete, all with the aim of encouraging the pupils to pursue and enjoy mathematics, whilst promoting a positive attitude to the subject too. In Year 6, the children took part in the UKMT Junior Maths Challenge which is a multiple-choice task encouraging mathematical reasoning, precise thinking, and the ability to use techniques to solve basic problems. Here they are proudly receiving their certificates on Friday. Congratulations to Marta who received a bronze award, to Jensito and Dorothy for achieving a silver award and to Nieve who achieved a gold award.
Year 8 students work on their curves of pursuit exercise
Year 7 students work on their curves of pursuit exercise
In the Seniors, year 7 to 9 made their own examples of ‘Curves of Pursuit’ which required careful measuring inside regular polygons such as squares, pentagons, hexagons and a few took on the challenge of constructing their own equilateral triangles. Their designs were very effective and were all constructed from straight lines which they thought was fascinating. We have created a display of their work.
Whilst the Year 7 and Year 8 students tested their knowledge and skills on the interactive ‘Numberella’ challenges and the interactive Nrich investigations of ‘More Less is More’ and ‘Treasure Hunt’, which they really found enjoyable, the Year 9s enjoyed their Nrich challenge of ‘Xavi’s T-shirt’. This involved identifying prime factors and using prime factorisation to represent numbers to 100. They explored the same representations in new colours to find missing numbers using the clues. It was challenging but really good fun, commented Jan.