Landmark International School Cambridge Celebrates Becoming an International Baccalaureate World School

We are excited to announce that the International Baccalaureate Organization (IB) has approved Landmark for authorization to offer the Primary Years Programme (PYP). We are delighted with the achievement. It means we are the 23rd school in the UK to be accredited to offer the PYP and the only school in Cambridgeshire to offer the prestigious programme, which is in its 25th Anniversary year. The international curriculum has such synergy with our international values and we are delighted to be part of this forward thinking international community.

Landmark completed its two year candidacy phase within an academic year and was visited by two IB school visitors for its accreditation visit on September 29th and 30th. We received the report on school authorisation yesterday (19/10/22). The report on school authorisation indicated that there were no matters to be addressed and that the school was commended in nine different areas. Commendations identify school practices that are beyond the requirements for authorization and will benefit the implementation of the programme. Here is our list of commendations:

  • The governing body, administrative team, leadership and staff all demonstrate a deep understanding of the IB philosophy and have engaged in variety of activities that demonstrate this, including acting as ambassadors for the philosophy and pedagogy of the IB.

  • The school community actively embraces and promotes the learner profile and international mindedness, outside the typical assemblies and newsletters.

  • The school demonstrates a strong culture of open communication and respect and this is evident across the school amongst all stakeholders.

  • The school effectively supports student language learning through supporting the development of students mother tongues and the acquisition of other languages, including the host country or regional language and culture.

  • The school provides workshops and support structures for parents, teachers and administrators to ensure full engagement with the PYP programme. The teachers and students are encouraged to take part and lead school initiatives.

  • The school has frequent contacts with the members of the school community and promotes parent involvement in the curriculum.

  • The school has set up structures to support mother tongue and home languages.

  • The school provides clear communication of the assessment policy to the school community. The community in turn demonstrates an understanding of and commitment to the PYP assessment philosophy. The school uses a variety of methods in communicating its assessment philosophy, policy, and procedures to the school community.

  • The school provides a comprehensive reporting system which details student progress in line with the PYP assessment philosophy in a timely and consistent manner.

These commendations are a testament to the primary team and the work they have done to develop the programme. The school also has a number of recommendations to provide guidance for the school on further developing the programme. These focus on developing student action projects and the two year rotation of the programme. These are areas that we will be developing in our five year plan for the PYP.

We would like to thank our wonderful community for your support throughout our candidacy phase and Jenna Fritz our PYP coordinator for her wonderful leadership throughout the candidacy and accreditation phases.

Gareth Turnbull-Jones

Headteacher, Landmark International School Cambridge


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