Student Action: Elephant Fundraiser

A number of students in Toucan class: Whitney, Ellen, Clara, Raffie, and Yada are fundraising for elephants.

Just before half term the students sold baked goods including cookies, brownies, cupcakes, and much more. Also, they sold paintings, bookmarks, and had a lucky toy dip. With the money they raised they will send it to a charity called Save the Elephants to help protect them.

The student perspective on the Fundraiser:

“At the beginning I was nervous but now I realise this is a way to make a difference in the world.” - Clara

“ I wanted to save the elephants because they are creatures that need help. People are killing them without permission and they need help.” - Ellen

“When My father told me animals were getting killed for something as meaningless as their tusks I promised myself someday I would help them and this fundraiser is fulfilling my promise.” - Whitney 

“I've always wanted to help an endangered species so having this chance is incredible.” - Raffie

“I feel like it's nice to help endangered species and it makes me feel good that I have helped.” - Yada

We would appreciate your help 

Our next fundraiser will be selling baked goods, paintings, bookmarks, a lucky toy dip, and BALLOONS!!!

Written by Whitney, Clara, Ellen, Raffie, and Yada (Toucan Year 4 and 5 Class)

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