Landmark Success in Mother Tongue Other Tongue Poetry Competition

Landmark Success in Mother Tongue Other Tongue Poetry Competition

The Mother Tongue Other Tongue poetry competition took place in July 2020, when our students were first experiencing distance learning.  It was run by Routes into Languages East, a Cambridge University organisation which supports language learning throughout the East of England.  Having spent a couple of weeks looking at examples of French poetry and analysing structures and forms (as well as having fun with French rhyming words!) I set my secondary French classes the challenge of writing a poem either in French or in their mother tongue.  I then chose the best three from each year group to send off to be judged by an external panel.  The panel chose four winners from Landmark, whose poems are now included in an anthology.  The winners were awarded their certificates and a copy of the anthology on Poetry Day this morning. A huge well done to our winners: Maisie in year 9, Max in year 10, and Sara and Alicia in year 11. You can read their poems below:

Landmark International School, Cambridge Student Poem
Landmark International School, Cambridge Student Poem
Landmark International School, Cambridge Student Poem
National Poetry Day 2021 at Landmark

National Poetry Day 2021 at Landmark

An inquiry into how people´s traditions bring them together

An inquiry into how people´s traditions bring them together