Nrich Primary Maths Fair June 2023

We held our very first Nrich Fair this week. students in the primary department delved into exciting mathematical enrichment activities throughout the morning and were supported by a select group of students from Years 7, 8 9 and 10. Everyone had so much fun completing each of their age-related tasks. Read on to hear about the enjoyment we had.

Assembly - What is Maths?

All the students in the primary classes kick started the morning, by gathering and thinking about what maths means to them. They were asked to think of key words and to give their reasons.

Josh (Year 2), “Maths is fun!”

Ellen (Year 5), “The key message was that maths is everywhere. I think it is important that you know that because maths can really help you in life.”

Marta (Year 5), “I think that the key message for the assembly in the morning was to prove and show that maths is beautiful and everything around you does include maths. Also, we got to share ideas about how we feel about maths and what we think maths is. I really learned a lot from that assembly, and it encouraged me to try hard and do my absolute best when it comes to maths.”

Maths Competition

A primary mathematics competition which was part of the morning’s activities, was also launched. The theme was ‘Maths with Art’. It was lovely to see so many eager faces ready to take on the challenges set. The students will be keen to see whether they have been selected as the winner of their class with a reward of a voucher to spend.

Maths Challenges

Mrs Pulford organised the Nrich Primary Mathematics Fair activities in each of the classes. There was a real buzz of excitement in the primary classes as the students completed their rotation of challenges including: biscuit decorations, seesaw shenanigans, rings 2, teddy town tasks, designing pentominoes houses, and dicey operations. In addition, throughout the morning, the children participated in their class-based competitions which included: line symmetry with paint and string in Kingfisher and Robin classes, tessellation of shapes in Toucan class and cube making in Eagle class. The activities were led by the very able Senior students who did a fabulous job in supporting them. The students fully immersed themselves, putting their problem-solving skills to the test and really enjoyed the tasks set.

Maths is great at Landmark!

Here are some of the students' thoughts about why we hold celebratory maths days and why they enjoy maths:

Ottilee (Year 2), “Can we have another maths Nrich day tomorrow? It was such fun.”

Jonathan (Year 5), “Maths is awesome, OBVIOUSLY!”

Timo (Year 5), “Maths makes you smarter.”

Eve (Year 6), “I think it’s important to celebrate maths day because it helps children be creative and it’s fun.”

Gordy (Year 6), “It is great to have fun while learning.”

Dorothy (Year 5), “I think celebrating maths day encourages others to work harder and understand that maths plays an important role in nature and in everyday life.”

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