Researching and Celebrating the Day of the Dead in Spanish Class

Our year 7 Spanish class has been inquiring into the Day of the Dead festival. Below are some photos from their inquiry and a student written blog about the Day of the Dead.

Student Blog

The Day of the Dead is an event that is celebrated on the 1st to the 2nd of November.

The Day of the Dead in Spanish is El Día de los Muertos. It is celebrated in Guatemala, Spanish speaking countries in South America and the USA, but mainly in Mexico.

On the Day of the Dead, people visit their ancestors' tomb stones and have a grand party. This is because on the Day of the Dead they celebrate the dead instead of dressing up in scary costumes like people do on Halloween.

The Day of the Dead is a day full of colour and happiness. They give offerings of food to the gravestones for the family members to eat. They also clean the gravestones and place incense, candles and flowers on them. They play and dance to music and talk to their ancestors. They also eat and drink in gratitude to their ancestors.

The people believe that the border between the living world and the afterlife disappears, letting their late ancestors come back to give advice or provide counsel to their loved ones.

They also come back to enjoy the festivities that have been prepared for them. Many celebrate the Day of the Dead to commemorate their deceased family members or loved ones, it is also a day to bring happiness and joy.

by Juliane, Marta and Jas in Year 7


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