History Day 2024 - A Medieval Experience!
We held a whole school History Day in October 2024. As a school with both British and international students our aim was to learn more about English history in medieval times. Everyone in the school was invited to come dressed as a person from the years of the English medieval period 1066 – 1485; thus, we had students and teachers dressed in a way that they may have lived in Fulbourn while also welcoming a medieval king and visitors from faraway places such as Japan and India!
Year 10 students showed great leadership throughout the day starting with leading a welcoming assembly where the whole school heard more about medieval England and Fulbourn. Robin Hood also made an appearance.
Then it was workshop time. Landmark staff researched and ran an array of workshops. In primary, Kingfisher and Robin learnt about coats of arms and created wonderful shields, while Toucan and Eagle embarked on learning about trebuchets and castles, and making models.
Secondary students could choose two workshops from:
Trying out natural dyes used in medieval times,
Creating jugs with typical medieval funny faces,
Gothic calligraphy
Stained glass windows
Maypole dancing
The school hall was transformed into a medieval castle’s great hall for lunch and typical medieval foods were served.
Then came the fun of a medieval fair organised by Year 10. There were ball games, dice games, jousting and sword training, splat the medieval rat, conker counting, alchemy, a puppet show, maypole dancing and a bear chase too.
Then the whole school gathered again for an assembly to show off their makes from the workshops. Finally, the secondary students returned to their forms for the last activity, learning and playing the popular game of Nine Men’s Morris - which is said to have started in Roman times but was very popular in the medieval period.
Our school community had a wonderful time, got to know each other better at the start of the school year, learnt lots about Medieval times, and left school having had a great day while pondering how far medieval life was different from today.