Curriculum, Eagle Class, Kingfisher Class, Parents, Primary, Primary Years Programme, Robin Class, Toucan Class, Writing, Wellbeing, Science, Reading, Maths, Languages, Geography, IB Learner Profile, English Gareth Turnbull-Jones 5/26/22 Curriculum, Eagle Class, Kingfisher Class, Parents, Primary, Primary Years Programme, Robin Class, Toucan Class, Writing, Wellbeing, Science, Reading, Maths, Languages, Geography, IB Learner Profile, English Gareth Turnbull-Jones 5/26/22 Primary Celebration of Learning On Thursday 26th May, the Primary parents were invited into school to share the children's learning. Read More
Curriculum, Eagle Class, Kingfisher Class, Parents, Primary, Primary Years Programme, Robin Class, Toucan Class, Writing, Wellbeing, Science, Reading, Maths, Languages, Geography, IB Learner Profile, English Gareth Turnbull-Jones 5/26/22 Curriculum, Eagle Class, Kingfisher Class, Parents, Primary, Primary Years Programme, Robin Class, Toucan Class, Writing, Wellbeing, Science, Reading, Maths, Languages, Geography, IB Learner Profile, English Gareth Turnbull-Jones 5/26/22 Primary Celebration of Learning On Thursday 26th May, the Primary parents were invited into school to share the children's learning. Read More