Under the Sea! Inquiry Based Learning with Kingfisher Class

Under the Sea! Inquiry Based Learning with Kingfisher Class

Kingfisher Class have been enjoying our transdisciplinary unit on the theme of ‘How the World Works’. Our central idea is ‘Living things interact with their habitats.’

We have been inquiring into what makes a habitat and why animals are suited to their habitats. Starting with a provocation of an ‘ocean in a jar’ the children have been exploring the 5 layers of the sea. They spent time researching, reading, drawing, writing and making models-we even had our own yellow submarine to travel in!

They then decided to choose a creature or part of the sea to find out more facts about. In order to show their knowledge, one of the children asked if we could make a ‘show’ about the facts they had learnt. This prompted lots of excitement as they independently made the layers of the ocean as a backdrop and started painting puppets and props.

We performed our show brilliantly and Mrs Bennett recorded it so that our parents could watch us and learn some cool sea facts. We hope you enjoy watching our show as much as we enjoyed planning, preparing and performing it!

Below is the video of our show and a slide show of activities from our inquiry.

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