Landmark Visits Shepreth Wildlife Park to Inquire into Food Chains: Student Voice
Robin Class had an amazing trip to Shepreth Wildlife Park on the 2nd May. We went to learn about food chains for our unit of inquiry

STEM Sustainable School Challenge
Year 9 STEM students spent the last half-term working on a task to re-design Landmark International School to make the environment we share more environmentally friendly and sustainable for all.

The John Muir Award - Student Reflections
This blog contains student reflections of their experience working towards the John Muir Award.

Eaton Vale Primary Residential Trip Reflection
The Year 7s have been reflecting on the Summer Term in Year 6 and their final memories of primary school. Coco, Jasmine, Sam, James and Luca decided to write about the primary trip to Eaton Vale Activity Centre. Read on to find out all about the activities they engaged with and the lessons they learnt along the way!

Key Stage 4 Team Building at Thetford Forest!
Landmark key stage 4 students enjoyed their yearly team building trip at Thetford Forest.

Outward Bound Trust Residential Snowdonia: Our Video Diaries
Here is a collection of our videos from our recent trip to the outward Bound Trust centre at Ogwen Cottage in Snowdonia.
Summer Term Newsletter 2022/2023
The end of the school year is almost here. We hope you are looking forward to some relaxing times with family and friends. It has been another busy and successful year packed with excursions, events and celebrations, here is our Summer Newsletter Blog.
A Landmark Adventure to Ogwen Cottage, Snowdonia - A Student Perspective
A student written blog about their time at Ogwen Cottage in Snowdonia with the Outward Bound Trust.

Robin Class Inquire Into How the World Works!
This term in Robin Class, the Year 2 and 3 students have been set a series of tasks from none other than Professor Granite, Head of Geology at the University of Cambridge! Here is their blog about the experience.

Creative thinkers in Toucan class collaborate to design and make books
This term in Toucan class we are experimenting with paper making and using handmade paper for books. The Toucan class was asked to bring in fabric to make the cover for the books.

Student Action: Elephant Fundraiser
A number of students in Toucan class are fundraising for the charity Save the Elephants

Landmark International School National Poetry Day Blog 2022
A blog about our poetry day at Landmark.

National Writing Day 2022 - Interview with Mrs Elliott
For National Writing Day this year, we created a blog of an interviewer with Mrs Elliott as a wonderful way to celebrate her and her many contributions to the Landmark community. Mrs Elliott you will be missed.

Under the Sea! Inquiry Based Learning with Kingfisher Class
Kingfisher Class have been enjoying our transdisciplinary unit on the theme of ‘How the World Works’. Our central idea is ‘Living things interact with their habitats.’

My Sustainable Community - Year 9 Project wins The Institute of Engineering and Technology Competition
This year our year 9 students worked as a collaborative team to enter The Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET) 150: My Sustainable Community Competition.

Landmark on display: A gallery of our newest displays
During the pandemic we have sadly not been able to have our parents in the building. This has led to a lack of opportunity for parents to see the lovely displays that are up and around the building, because of this we thought we would blog a few of our newest displays. We hope you enjoy them.

WWF Wild Wisdom Quiz: Our Inspirational Day
A piece written by our WWF Wild Wisdon Quiz team about their day in London and their success in the quiz.

2040 Documentary Trip and Review
Student review of the 2040 documentary, which was watched by all of Landmark secondary school