Why choose Landmark: A parent perspective

Why Landmark?

When we were looking for a primary school in Cambridge for our son, we knew we were spoiled for choice. There are so many highly-ranked schools to select from, and we actively sought information to understand the ethos of each school. For us, we decided on Landmark because of its exceptionally individualised approach to education in a highly nurturing environment. 

What makes Landmark unique? 

At Landmark, our son does not see the world as a zero-sum game. Each child pursues an interest not merely because he/she wants to win a match but because the child is encouraged to enjoy the process of self-discovery and knowledge-building. It is not about being right but about building a set of tools to find out for yourself what is right. Our 4-year-old son came home one day, talking about facts versus opinions and why it’s essential to know where your information comes from. In this way, we are impressed by how the school encourages inquiry and helps the children learn how to investigate conventional wisdom logically. 

The school’s collaborative environment also means each child gets to try out every sport and activity from Kung Fu to multiple language classes regardless of known ability. Landmark encourages every child to explore his/her multi-dimensional interests and skills and not narrowly defines individuals based on one or two key strengths. The mixed-age environment and small class size mean that teachers can work individually with each child or a small group of children on a project. For example, a reception-year student may be working on writing/reading at year-one level, while doing mathematics at reception level. The mixed-aged classroom also provides them with a natural environment to develop friendship with and empathy towards people of different ages as would be the case in the real world. 

Teachers and staff at Landmark are passionate about the school. They believe in the ethos of the school and work actively to build a creative and thoughtful curriculum. The lessons are fun and stimulating, yet full of purpose. Despite a relaxed and nurturing environment, the school deeply cares about children’s behaviours and have high expectations of parents and students. This is reflected in the students’ sense of responsibility towards themselves and others. 

In terms of location, the setting in the village of Fulbourn means that the children have access to the beautiful and spacious Recreational Ground nearby and several local woodlands for forest school. 

We couldn’t have asked for a happier second home in Cambridge for our son. He is excited to go to school every day, and we see him developing into a caring individual with a strong sense of responsibility, thoughtfulness, and a strong desire to make positive changes in the world. As parents, we see Landmark as a school that is ahead of its time in empowering children to acquire critical skills necessary to navigate the fast-changing landscape of the 21st century.

By a Primary Parent


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