A Wicked Key Stage 4 Team Building Trip to London!

Every year during the month of September we run a team building day with our Key Stage 4. This is an opportunity for our year 10 and 11 groups to spend a day away and engage in a range of activities. We do this on a two year rotation. We alternate between outdoor and cultural activities. Last year we went to Go Ape at Thetford Forest and this year we went to London to watch the musical Wicked.

The day included team building activities in Green Park, and attending a performance of Wicked the musical at the Victoria Apollo. We were also lucky enough to have tickets to an after show Q&A session, which was a fantastic opportunity to get careers advice from the cast. Wicked is part of the curriculum for GCSE Music, and also supports our English and PSHEE curriculums by considering themes of self-esteem, discrimination, identity and friendship.

Below are two videos of our day.


History Day 2024 - A Medieval Experience!


Primary and Secondary Curriculum Evenings