A Wicked Key Stage 4 Team Building Trip to London!
Every year during the month of September we run a team building day with our Key Stage 4. This year we headed to London for some team building in Green Park and the opportunity to see the West End show Wicked!

Summer Term Newsletter 2023/2024
The summer holidays have arrived. We hope you’re having and looking forward to some relaxing and enjoyable times with family and friends. It has been another vibrant and successful term.

Landmark Visits Shepreth Wildlife Park to Inquire into Food Chains: Student Voice
Robin Class had an amazing trip to Shepreth Wildlife Park on the 2nd May. We went to learn about food chains for our unit of inquiry

The John Muir Award - Student Reflections
This blog contains student reflections of their experience working towards the John Muir Award.

Eaton Vale Primary Residential Trip Reflection
The Year 7s have been reflecting on the Summer Term in Year 6 and their final memories of primary school. Coco, Jasmine, Sam, James and Luca decided to write about the primary trip to Eaton Vale Activity Centre. Read on to find out all about the activities they engaged with and the lessons they learnt along the way!

Key Stage 4 Team Building at Thetford Forest!
Landmark key stage 4 students enjoyed their yearly team building trip at Thetford Forest.

Outward Bound Trust Residential Snowdonia: Our Video Diaries
Here is a collection of our videos from our recent trip to the outward Bound Trust centre at Ogwen Cottage in Snowdonia.
Summer Term Newsletter 2022/2023
The end of the school year is almost here. We hope you are looking forward to some relaxing times with family and friends. It has been another busy and successful year packed with excursions, events and celebrations, here is our Summer Newsletter Blog.
A Landmark Adventure to Ogwen Cottage, Snowdonia - A Student Perspective
A student written blog about their time at Ogwen Cottage in Snowdonia with the Outward Bound Trust.

Robin Class Inquire Into How the World Works!
This term in Robin Class, the Year 2 and 3 students have been set a series of tasks from none other than Professor Granite, Head of Geology at the University of Cambridge! Here is their blog about the experience.

Kaetsu Ariake Senior School from Japan visit to Landmark International School
On May 16th 31 year 12 students from Kaetsu Ariake Senior School came to Landmark for an afternoon of cultural exchange with Landmark International School’s year 9 and 10 students.

Autumn Term Newsletter 2022/2023
The winter holiday season is almost with us. We hope you are looking forward to some relaxing times with family and friends. It has been another busy and successful term packed with trips, events and challenges, please read more on our Autumn Term Newsletter blog!

Landmark Students take on the TCS Mini London Marathon
On Friday, October 14th students from both the primary and secondary school took on the TCS Mini London Marathon.

Landmark International School National Poetry Day Blog 2022
A blog about our poetry day at Landmark.

Summer Term Newsletter 2021/2022
We have now reached the end of our Summer Term. It has been an eventful and exciting one this blog outlines the many activities and achievements of the term.

Bikeability 2022: Five word, five emoji review!
Toucan and Eagle have had a fantastic week on the road completing their Level 2 Bikeability course. They were given the challenge to complete a review of their time using only five words and five emojis. Have a look to see how they got on…

Children's Mental Health Week 2022
Our focus during this years Mental Health Week was the 5 Ways to Wellbeing, which form part of the framework for wellbeing at Landmark, here is a blog about our activities.

New Forest School Programme for the Whole of Primary
This year we have started a forest school programme for the whole of our primary school. This builds on the forest school work that we have done previously with the key stage one students.
Here is a blog to hear what our year 6 students thought of their first session, there are also some images of Robin class enjoying their sessions.