A Wicked Key Stage 4 Team Building Trip to London!
Every year during the month of September we run a team building day with our Key Stage 4. This year we headed to London for some team building in Green Park and the opportunity to see the West End show Wicked!

International Day 2024
Last Friday saw Landmark transformed once again into a global departure hall of excitement. Our second annual International Day

Peter Pan - Our magical primary school production!
This year the primary department put on a magical performance of Peter Pan. This blog shares some of the wonderful performances through photos, audio files and short clips.
Summer Term Newsletter 2022/2023
The end of the school year is almost here. We hope you are looking forward to some relaxing times with family and friends. It has been another busy and successful year packed with excursions, events and celebrations, here is our Summer Newsletter Blog.

Autumn Term Newsletter 2022/2023
The winter holiday season is almost with us. We hope you are looking forward to some relaxing times with family and friends. It has been another busy and successful term packed with trips, events and challenges, please read more on our Autumn Term Newsletter blog!

Landmark Action: Festive fun and Ukraine Support
The Landmark Community has dug deep this festive season with a number of fundraising events organised on behalf of the families displaced by the war in Ukraine.

Year 10 Trip to London to Visit the Natural History Museum and Watch Wicked
A student written blog about the Year 10 trip to London to visit the Natural History Museum to support their Biology course and to watch the musical Wicked supporting those doing Music GCSE and tackling a range of themes that the students cover in PSHEE.