Dear Landmark Community

The winter holiday season is almost with us.  We hope you are looking forward to some relaxing times with family and friends.  It has been another busy and successful term packed with trips, events and challenges.

A term of Inspection!

Fresh from the success of being accredited to award ASDAN qualifications at the end of last term we have had a busy term of inspections and accreditations.

A PYP Student discusses their work with their parent

A PYP student discusses their work with their parent

In October we were excited to announce that the International Baccalaureate Organization (IB) has approved Landmark for authorization to offer the Primary Years Programme (PYP). We are delighted with the achievement. It means we are the 23rd school in the UK to be accredited to offer the PYP and the only school in Cambridgeshire to offer the prestigious programme, which is in its 25th Anniversary year. The international curriculum has such synergy with our international values and we are delighted to be part of this forward thinking international community. Landmark completed its two year candidacy phase within an academic year and was visited for an inspection by two IB school visitors on September 29th and 30th. The report on school authorisation indicated that there were no matters to be addressed and that the school was commended in nine different areas. A huge well done and thank you to our PYP Coordinator Jenna Fritz, who has worked tirelessly to make this happen.

On November 21st we received a call from Ofsted to give us 24 hours notice for a full inspection. Whilst we cannot inform the community of the judgement as it remains confidential, I would like to thank the community for all you did during the inspection. Thank you to everyone who responded to the Parent, Student and Staff Survey and shared their experience of our school. We are looking forward to sharing the report with you when it is available.

Trips and Excursions

In addition to the primary students enjoying their regular visits to the woods in Abington for Forest School we have had a range of trips and excursions this term.

Year 11 students make a splash at Grafham Water

In September our Year 10 class enjoyed a trip to the Natural History Museum in London followed by a visit to the West End to see the musical, Wicked. Our Year 10 and 11 students enjoyed a fantastic day at Grafham Water building relationships and leadership skills whilst canoeing and learning about high ropes crate stacking.  

More exciting trips took place during the second half of the Autumn Term; Robin Class enjoyed a trip to the Fitzwilliam Museum and the Year 7 and 8 students were fascinated by their trip to the Hindu Temple near Peterborough. Eagle class explored the architecture around Cambridge and Kingfisher had a visit from a story teller. Year 9 class learned more about Darwin and his theory of evolution at the Cambridge University Library.

Events and Community

We were pleased to launch our new look parent community newsletter and social media programme this term; our engagement levels on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook have risen exponentially; thank you for your likes, shares and comments. This has been a great way to share events and community work happening at the school.

In October Gareth took part in the London Marathon to raise money for the charity JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation). The students were inspired by the effort and in October a number of them, in both our Primary and Secondary departments, completed the TCS Mini London Marathon, which raised more money for the charity. 

Students made incredible international treats for Children in Need

We started our weekly parent/guardian/carer and toddler sessions this term; these have been very well attended. It has been lovely to offer this opportunity to the local community, get to know more families in the area and to see the little ones enjoying playing and exploring. 

At the beginning of October all students came together to celebrate National Poetry Day. The students explored the natural environment around the school. They took part in workshops by our guest, poetry writer Giuletta M Spudich. This led to some fantastic poetry being produced and shared on our blog.

Children In Need Day was celebrated in style at Landmark - the colourful array of costumes worn looked wonderful!  Our Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 students met their challenge - to shop for, cook and sell home made foods from all around the world - wonderfully and raised £269.82 by selling their delicious dishes to the community.  

In November our students spent time with partners investigating six books sent to us by the Royal Society as entries to the competition: Young People’s Book Prize. They chose Fourteen Wolves: A Rewilding Story by Catherine Barr as their winner. The overall winner of the Young People's Book Prize will be announced in March. Thank you to all of the students for their participation.

During a very busy end of term on Friday the 1st December a large number of parents attended our Primary Sing-a-long; the students performed beautifully and delicious refreshments were provided by the PTA.  On Monday the 5th December the Primary Choir performed at Carols For Ukraine Concert at Great St Mary’s Church in Cambridge. This event, organised by the Rotary Club, was attended by a number of schools from around Cambridge and was thoroughly enjoyed by all. The proceeds from the concert have gone towards the purchase of a reconditioned ambulance to send to Ukraine. A selection of music from the concert will be broadcast on Cambridge 105 Radio on Christmas Day afternoon, immediately after the King’s broadcast at 3.00pm. Huge thanks and congratulations to Emma Rapley, who, supported by Lue Wilson and Charlotte Smith, prepared the students so well for these events. We have continued our support for Ukraine through the shoe box and pre-loved clothing appeals with Mums4Ukraine.

Primary students performing at the festive sing-a-long

Primary students performing at the festive sing-a-long

On Tuesday 6th December the whole school enjoyed a delicious celebratory lunch.  Thanks to Katherine and Vickie for organising the food and small surprise for each student. 

Goodbyes and Welcomes

We are sad to say goodbye to Zac in Year 9 at the end of this term. Zac only joined us in September but has settled brilliantly into Landmark and will be missed.  We wish him all the very best in Australia. In January we are looking forward to welcoming Dexter and Stanley into our secondary department. We enjoyed getting to know them when they spent taster days with us in November.  

As always, we are grateful to you for entrusting your children to us and for being such valued contributors to our school community. We wish you a joyful and relaxing winter break and very much look forward to welcoming your sons and daughters back to school in the New Year.

With warmest regards

Gareth and the team


Landmark is recognised for its commitment to supporting staff and students’ mental health and wellbeing


Landmark Action: Festive fun and Ukraine Support