Children's Mental Health Week: A Week of Awareness, Activities, and Fundraising
Landmark International School came together for a meaningful and engaging celebration of Children’s Mental Health Week. Over the course of seven days, students and staff participated in a range of activities designed to raise awareness about mental health and well-being while fundraising for two fantastic charities—Mind Over Cancer and Fulbourn Action 4 Youth.

Landmark recognised for its commitment to helping students stay safe online
Landmark is now a National Online Safety Certified School.

Autumn Term Newsletter 2024/2025
The holiday season is here. We hope you’re having and looking forward to some relaxing and enjoyable times with family and friends. It has been another vibrant and successful term full of trips, events and celebrations.

Robin Class Unit of Inquiry: Exploring Jobs and the World of Work
This term, the Year 2 and 3 students have been diving deep into exploring various jobs and careers in our Unit Of Inquiry: How we organise ourselves. As part of this inquiry, we were fortunate to welcome a remarkable range of visitors into our classrooms to share their experiences and expertise.

Summer Term Newsletter 2023/2024
The summer holidays have arrived. We hope you’re having and looking forward to some relaxing and enjoyable times with family and friends. It has been another vibrant and successful term.

Landmark Annual Careers Day
On Monday 10th June we held our annual Landmark International School Cambridge Careers Day. The talks were all fascinating and informative and certainly gave the students (and staff) plenty to think about!

Champions for Change - A unit of inquiry for Eagle class
Eagle class have completed their unit of inquiry called, 'Champions for Change'. Here are their views on the work they completed.

The John Muir Award - Student Reflections
This blog contains student reflections of their experience working towards the John Muir Award.

Kaetsu Ariake Senior School from Japan visit to Landmark International School
On May 16th 31 year 12 students from Kaetsu Ariake Senior School came to Landmark for an afternoon of cultural exchange with Landmark International School’s year 9 and 10 students.

Landmark is recognised for its commitment to supporting staff and students’ mental health and wellbeing
Landmark has successfully completed a comprehensive mental health and wellbeing training programme demonstrating its commitment to supporting the mental health and wellbeing of staff and students in line with DfE guidance and best practice.

Landmark Students take on the TCS Mini London Marathon
On Friday, October 14th students from both the primary and secondary school took on the TCS Mini London Marathon.

Year 10 Trip to London to Visit the Natural History Museum and Watch Wicked
A student written blog about the Year 10 trip to London to visit the Natural History Museum to support their Biology course and to watch the musical Wicked supporting those doing Music GCSE and tackling a range of themes that the students cover in PSHEE.